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Iodine detector monitor intellectual element

Publisher: Time:2023/09/26 16:48:0 Pageviews:354

The growth and development of infants and young children cannot be separated from the support of various trace elements, which seems to play a significant role in their growth and development.

In addition to secreting thyroid hormones and ensuring normal thyroid function, iodine is also a very important intellectual element.

The deficiency of iodine can lead to the obstruction of thyroid hormone synthesis, which further leads to systemic multisystem disorders, especially having a huge impact on intelligence. Therefore, iodine is known as an indispensable "intelligence element". Related research analysis has found that the average intelligence of children with long-term iodine deficiency is lower than that of normal children, and later iodine supplementation has a certain improvement effect on children's intelligence. Supplementing iodine to pregnant women in areas with severe iodine deficiency can significantly improve the intelligence of newborns.


Pregnant women with greater iodine deficiency may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and great harm. Therefore, it is particularly important to conduct iodine nutrition level testing during pregnancy.