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Scientific Iodine Supplementation for Smarter Life

Publisher: Time:2022/05/19 17:56:5 Pageviews:717

    Iodine is the "wisdom element" of the human body. More than 80% of intellectually disabled people are caused by iodine deficiency. If no preventive measures are taken, a considerable number of intellectually disabled children will be born every year.

The harm of iodine deficiency to different groups of people

    Iodine deficiency in pregnant women can lead to fetal brain development retardation, mental retardation, severe cretinism, and even fetal miscarriage, premature birth, deformed babies and even death, resulting in irreversible damage.


   If the growth and development of children and adolescents is iodine deficiency, it will lead to physical retardation, abnormal development of cranial nerves, manifested as different degrees of intellectual disability and low learning ability.


   In adults, iodine deficiency may cause hypothyroidism, lack of concentration, easy fatigue, hair loss, and rough skin.


   If you have daily reactions such as chills, fatigue, lethargy, weight gain, hair loss, etc., you must be vigilant, you may be iodine deficient.

   Iodine is one of the essential trace elements in living organisms and an essential raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Studies have found that iodine intake is related to thyroid disease in a "U"-shaped curve. Too low or too high iodine intake will lead to an increase in thyroid disease. Therefore, an appropriate level of iodine nutrition is very important to the body.


How can we know the amount of iodine in our body?


    Our daily intake of iodine is mainly stored in the thyroid. The kidneys are the main excretory organs for iodine. About 90% of the iodine ingested in the body is excreted by the kidneys, so the nutritional status of human iodine can be expressed by the amount of urinary iodine excretion. Urine iodine detection is now an important means of preventing and detecting iodine, which can accurately reflect the iodine content in the body. . 

    In order to avoid various irreversible hazards caused by iodine deficiency, it is recommended to carry out regular urine iodine testing and scientifically supplement iodine!

   Sliky-road focuses on the detection of iodine elements, and is committed to providing accurate detection and analysis methods for scientific iodine supplementation. At present, Cyclod has independently developed and produced iodine element automatic analyzers as well as urine iodine, salt iodine, water iodine, and blood iodine. Detection reagents have been widely used in major disease control, hospitals and various iodine element detection institutions, providing a convenient, fast and accurate way for iodine element detection.
