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how to choose blood iodine test or urinary iodine test

Publisher: Time:2022/03/21 17:41:4 Pageviews:694

Iodine is an essential trace element for the human body and has the reputation of "intelligence element". 2/3 of the iodine in the human body exists in the thyroid, which can control metabolism, and the thyroid is affected by iodine. Iodine can regulate the growth and development of the human body, especially for the central nervous system in the brain, which can maintain the normal structure. Iodine can also promote fat and carbohydrate metabolism, regulate protein decomposition and synthesis, and promote the body's absorption of vitamins.

80% to 90% of human iodine comes from food, 10% to 20% is obtained from drinking water, and 5% of iodine comes from air. Therefore, iodine in food is the main source of iodine in human body. In our daily life, the main source of iodine is iodized edible salt. In addition, some foods also contain more iodine, such as seaweed and seafood. 


There is a "U" curve relationship between iodine intake and thyroid disease. Too low or too high iodine intake will lead to an increase in thyroid disease. Therefore, proper iodine nutrition level is very important for the body.

"Urinary iodine" refers to the amount of iodine in the urine. More than 90% of the iodine that people eat will be excreted through the urine, so the iodine intake can be inferred from the iodine in the urine. But the fluctuation of urine iodine is great. The iodine content in the diet before the test will directly affect the iodine intake. Urine needs to be collected within 24 hours for testing.

By monitoring the iodine-related metabolic indicators in biological samples, we can not only understand the iodine nutrition metabolism in the human body, but also provide a basis for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases, which is conducive to early prevention and reduction of the harm of thyroid diseases. The iodine ingested by the human body is mainly stored in the thyroid, and the iodine in the blood exists in the form of serum protein iodine and plasma inorganic iodine.

Serum iodine content is relatively stable, which can truly reflect the iodine nutritional status of the body, and serum iodine is a recent indicator, which can reflect the recent iodine nutritional status. Compared with urine iodine, serum iodine has better accuracy and is more valuable for the evaluation of human iodine nutritional status.

The blood iodine detector produced by Silky-Road Medical Technology Co., Ltd. can detect the content of iodine in the body through the serum in the blood, help you know the content of iodine in the body in time.